Water, Swimmer, Yellow, Green, Summer, sea Birgitte LYKKE MADSEN (Odense, Denmark, 1960) 1981-86, Educated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Odense First solo exhibition in 1983 Artist statement: “I am a painter. I am fascinated by the difference in cold and warm colors and the different atmospheres that it creates in our mind. My hereby presented oil paintings are describing people in water. The secret life under the water surface, or the public life watching crowds of people gathered in the sea, their connections or non-connections. The paintings explore the depth and the color of water and what influence it makes on people. I study, what influence the size of a space have on a person. - The immense and undefined room under water for a single person. I often paint a woman as I, as a woman, know this body; the gravity and the proportions, the strength and the weakness and the person´s size compared to the room around her. - The crowds of people in the sea show the tranquility, a certain moment in different people´s life suddenly connected through the water. Painting water sets me free of any limitation concerning room and reality - both in the use of colors as in the depiction. I use oil paint in my works as the nature of oil gives you the possibility to paint both transparent and/or cover the canvas (al prima). Especially in painting the sea, the transparency is important to my expression. In my work I try to connect to the viewer´s experiences; both to this very moment and to their recalled memories. I try to make them be aware of their being and of their present”. Some selected exhibitions from the later years: Solo Exhibitions 2014 Fællesdomicilet, Odense, Denmark. 2013 64° ISLAND, Foyergalleriet, Odense, Denmark. 2013 Molndal Kulturdage, Kvanbyn, Sverige 2013 Scandinavian Tobbacco Company, Denmark. 2013 Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2013 New Blood Art, London, England 2012 The Landscape, Cold College, Odense, Denmark. 2012, The Landscape, Cold College, Odense, Denmark. 2012 The Portrait – Copy or Mood, Foyergalleriet, Odense, Denmark. 2011 The Dormitory in the church of Løgumkloster, Denmark. 2010 Galleri Vejle, Vejle, Denmark. 2008 The Tree, By Art, Odense, Denmark. 2002 JB Galleri, København, Denmark. 2000 Galleri Vent, Nr.Åby, Denmark. 2000 Gallerie Nouvelle, Horsens, Denmark. 1999 Gallery Ægidius, Randers, Denmark. 1998 Gallery Utsira, Esbjerg, Denmark. 1995 Gallery Gerly, Copenhagen, Denmark. 1991-92 Touring Exhibition, Denmark. Group Exhibitions 2014 Lykke Madsen & Jensen – Maleri & Sculptur, Svendborg, Denmark. 2013 How Art Is Made - Projects and Processes, Odense, Denmark. 2012 Small Works Sale, Foyergalleriet, Odense, Denmark. 2012 Summer Exhibition, Galleri V58, Aarhus, Denmark. 2012 ”Øjenhøjde”, NICOLAI, Kolding, Denmark. 2012 DANE, artists for art and environment, Odense, Denmark. 2011 Marziart Internationale Galerie, Hamburg, Germany. 2011 Small Work Sale, Foyergalleriet, GAH, Denmark. 2010 Reconstructed Landscape, Galleri ByArt, Odense and Gallery Bjerre, Struer, Denmark. 2009-10 ”My Heart Belongs to..”, National Print Museum, Dublin, Ireland, & Korsør; Kolding, Odense, Denmark. 2009 Madsnedøfortet, Denmark. 2009 The Portrait IN MENTE. Toldboden, Kerteminde, Denmark. 2009 Kongegården, Korsør, Denmark. 2009 Kunst and Design, Kolding, Denmark. 2008 ”Gränsland”. Galleri Frida, Sweden. 2008 Galleri Munken, Løkken, Denmark. 2007 ”Immigrants”, six museums in USA. 2007 ”Immigrants”, Galleri Frida, Sweden. 2007 Galleri 2RN, Åkirkeby, Denmark. 2007 Galleri Himmelhav, Frederikshavn, Denmark. 2006 “One Size Fits All”, Rundetårn, København, Denmark. 2005-06 ”Den Grafiske Genbank”, Art Centre Silkeborg Bath andJohannes Larsen Museum, Kerteminde, Denmark. 2005 IN MENTE, BaneGården, Aabenraa, Denmark. 2005 H.C. Andersen, Filosofgangen, Odense, Denmark. 2005 "15 billedhuggere og 16 grafikere", Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Denmark. 2004 Død & Pine, Klosterbakken, Odense, Denmark. 2003 Funen Spring, Dronninglund Art Centre, Denmark. 2001 Magi og Folkekunst, Fyns Kunstmuseum, Denmark.
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