British Geographica Globe Held by Bronze Atlas Statue from Philips, 1920s
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British Geographica Globe Held by Bronze Atlas Statue from Philips, 1920s
Large Antique Floor Standing Raised Relief Globe by Paul Räth, Liepzig, 1922
Vintage Illuminating Earth Globe from Columbus-Verlag GmbH
Adler Erdglobus 35 Globe, 1950s
World Map Globe by A. Minelli, 1960s
Illuminated Model Duo Table Glass Globe with Chrome-Plated Semi-Meridian by Paul Oestergaard for Columbus Verlag, West-Germany, 1950s
Vintage Terrestrial Library Globe on Stand Donati, Milan, 1960s
Vintage Planisphere from Philips
Illuminated Globe from Scan Globe A/S, Denmark, 1992
Terrestrial Lithograph Globe in Cast Iron from J. Lebegue & Cie Paris, 1880s
Vintage Collapsible Globe
Vintage Illuminated Celestial And Terrestrial Globe from Columbus, 1950s, Set of 2
Vintage German Globe from Paul Räth & Dr. A. Krause, 1920s
Terrestrial Globe by J. Lebègue & Cie Paris, 1890
German Art Deco Globe from Columbus Verlag, 1941
Naumann Lunar Globe from Replogle, 1970s
Terrestrial and Celestial Globes from Columbus, 1950s, Set of 2
Vintage Relief Globe from Vallardi
Dutch Miniature Terrestrial Globe on Wooden Base, 1900s
Terrestrial Globe
Large 18th Century French Hand Painted Terrestrial Globe
Columbus Globe Bar for Cognac Dujardin
Mid-Victorian English Terrestrial Globe by James Wyld, London, 1870s
Parquet Terrestrial Globe with Wrought Iron Base
Globen Columbus Duo Earth Globe and Columbus Himmelsglobus, 1950s, Set of 2
Terrestrial Globe by E. Bertaux, Paris, 19th Century
Antique Italian Terrestial Globe by Guido Cora, 1900s
Antique Globe by Ludwig Julius Heymann
Lithographed Tinplate Globe by Chad Valley Toys, 1948
Vintage Hong Kong Globe Bookends, 1970s, Set of 3
Illuminated Standing Globe from Columbus Verlag, 1950s
Vintage Globe, 1940s
Art Deco Danish Heimdal No. 34 World Globe with Compass on a Wooden Base, 1930s
Globe from Dietrich Reimers, Germany, 1935
Earth & Moon Globes from Columbus Publishing House, 1960s, Set of 2
Globe from Columbusverlag Paul Oestergaard KG, 1950s
Library Terrestrial Globe on Stand, Early 20th Century
Terrestrial Globe by G. Thomas, Paris
Large Illuminated Adendau Globe, 1960s
Antique Decorative Globe, 1920s
Mid-Century Wooden Globe, 1960s
Floor Standing Crams Imperial World Globe On A Turned Hardwood & Brass Stand Model No 16.
Vintage Illuminated Glass Topographical 24 cm Globe with Pagwood Base from JRO-Verlag, 1960s
Small 11 cm Globe on Wood Stand from Paul Räth & Hermann Haack, 1940s
Bakelite Relief Globe from Paul Räth Nachf. KG, 1960s
Vintage Terrestrial Globe by R. Neuse & C. Luther for Columbus Verlag, 1936
Art Deco French Globe by M. Picquart, 1930s
Terrestrial Globe by Antonio Vallardi
Terrestrial Globe on Chrome Foot
Scandinavian Globe by Dr. Neuse Stockholm for Jordglob, 1910s
Mid-Century Small Globe With Wooden Base by Paul Rath, 1950s
Small Terrestrial Globe from Columbus Verlag Paul Oestergaard, 1950s
Physical Globe with Relief from Paul Räth Nachf. KG, Leipzig, 1957
Brown Globe by Paul Räth
Antique Terrestrial Globe with Relief
Large Terrestrial Globe from by Handels Und Verkehrsglobus
Physical Globe with Relief from Paul Räth Nachf. KG, Leipzig, 1964
Cardanic DUO Globe from Columbus
German Globe by Dr. H. Fischer for Wagner & Debes, Leipzig, 1933
Cardanic Celestial Globe from Columbus
Mid-Century Light Glass Globe With Wooden Base by Paul Rath, 1950s
Antique Globe by Hammet and Bacon, 1910s
Decorative Rustic Celestial Floor Globe from Weber Costello, 1920s
Vintage Geographic Terrestrial Globe, 1920s
Celestial Library Globe on Stand, Early 20th Century
Glowing Globe Map World
Large Globe attributed to Emile Bertaux, 19th Century
Vintage Celestial Globe by Edwin Hammar for Columbus-Verlag GmbH
Antique Globe with Compass from Heymann, 1891
Vintage Small Globe, 1950s
Italian Terrestrial Globe from Gb Paravia & C, 1946
Terrestrial Globe by Ludwig Julius Heymann, 1880s
19th Century Globe from Paluzie
Columbus Duo Earth Globe in Ball Brass, Wood, Oral Glass, 1960s
Columbus Slate Globe
Terrestrial Globe by G. Thomas, 1890s
Globe by Guido Cora for Paravia, 1920s
Illuminated Glass Globe from Jro Verlag München, 1960s
Celestial Rotating Map by Mang
JRO Table Globe, Germany, 1930s
Vintage Rotating Globe, 1950
Vintage Globe Chandelier in Glass with Animal Print attributed to Angelo Brotto for Esperia, 1960s
Terrestrial Library Globe on Stand from J. Forest Paris, 19th Century
Vintage English Table Globe, 1960s
Art Deco Globe on Classic Dark Beech Stand from Columbus Oestergaard, 1970
Bronze Celestial Globe Plaque, 1890s
Terrestrial Globe by Vivien De Saint Martin, 1880
Vintage Globe in Wood & Plastic
Antique French Groom Globe, 1900
Vintage Art Deco Illuminated Globe from Girard & Barrère, 1940s
Celeste Globe attributed to Charles Dien, 1840s
French Groom's Globe, 1800s
Italian Globe in Wood and Metal, 1960s
Instructions Globe Booklet from Augustin Legrand, 1830
Vintage Danish Globe, 1974