White and Newton Sideboard from Peterfield Collection, 1960s
Mid-century sideboards
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Mid-Century Teak Sideboard, 1960s
19th Century Rustic French Storage Unit in Pine Wood
Mid-Century Sideboard in Elm, 1960s
Danish Sideboard in Rosewood, 1960s
Sideboard in Wood and Iron by Leonardo Fiori for ISA Bergamo, Italy, 1950s
Vintage Danish Sideboard in Teak, 1960
Danish Sideboard in Teak, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak by Arne Vodder for Vamo Long, 1960s
Teak Sideboard by Heinrich Riestenpatt for RT Möbel, 1960s
Teak Sideboard by Heinrich Riestenpatt for RT Möbel, 1960s
Vintage Wooden Sideboard with White Fronts, 1960s
Vintage Teak Sideboard attributed to A. Younger, 1960
Danish Sideboard by Jens Ærthøj Jensen and Tage Mølholm for Ærthoj Jensen and Mølholm Herning, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard with Sliding Doors from Jentique, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard by T. Robertson for McIntosh, 1960s
Teak Sideboard in the style of McIntosh, 1960s
Vintage Danish Teak Sideboard by Bernhard Pedersen for Bernhard Pedersen & Søn, 1960
Mid-Century Danish Teak Sideboard, 1960s
Teak and Afromosia Fresco Sideboard by Victor Wilkins for G-Plan, 1960s
Vintage Teak Sideboard from Jentique, 1960s
Mid-Century Danish Sideboard in Teak by Ib Kofod Larsen for Faarup
Sideboard by M. Grabiński, Poland, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern Sideboard in Teak, 1960s
Small Mid-Century Modern Teak Sideboard from Austinsuite, 1960s
Vintage Teak Sideboard from Jentique, 1960s
Teak Long John Sideboard, UK, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern Sideboard in Chrome and Wood, 1965
Mid-Century Afromosia and Teak Sideboard from G-Plan, 1960s
Small Mid-Century Modern Teak Sideboard from Austinsuite, 1960s
Brass and Teak Sideboard from Meredew, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern Sideboard by A. A. Patijn for Zijlstra Joure, 1950s
Teak Sideboard from Greaves & Thomas, 1960s
Mid-Century Italian Teakwood Sideboard by Silvio Cavatorta, 1950s
Italian Sideboard by Ico Parisi for La Permanente Mobili Cantu, 1950
Mid-Century Ulvö Sideboard by Erik Wørts for Ikea, 1960s
Oak Model Mathias Sideboard attributed to Guillerme and Chambron for Votre Maison, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard by Frank Guille for Austinsuite, 1960s
Large Rosewood Sideboard, 1950s
Sideboard with Rosewood Base and Teak Body, 1950s
Mid-Century Op-Art Hand-Painted Teak Sideboard by Gustav Bahus, 1960s
Mid-Century Danish Teak Tambour Doors Sideboard, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern Danish Teak Sideboard, 1960s
Wood and Aluminum Sideboard by Acerbis, 1970s
Vintage Sideboard in Walnut, 1950s
Danish Teak Sideboard by Johannes Andersen for CFC Silkeborg, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Small Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Small Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Highboard by Omann Jun, 1960s
Scandinavian Walnut Sideboard, 1960s
Modular Sideboards by Jos De Mey for Van Den Berghe Pauvers, 1950s, Set of 3
Mid-Century Teak Sideboard from Franzmeyer Möbel, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Early Edition Sideboard with Sliding Doors and Drawers in Teak by Henry Rosengren Hansen for Dyrlund, Denmark, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard in Teak by Nils Jonsson for Troeds, 1960s
Low Teak Sideboard with Drawers, 1970s
Vintage Sideboard, 1960s
Mid-Century Danish Sideboard from Skovby, 1970s
Mid-Century British Teak Sideboard by Beithcraft, 1960s
Czechoslovakian Sideboard by M. Pozar for Up Závody, 1960s
Cherrywood Sideboard with Sliding Doors from Wilhelm Renz, 1960s
Mid-Century Teak Sideboard Dunvegan from McIntosh, 1960s
Walnut Sideboard attributed to Franz Ehrlich, 1950s
Vintage 602/M Sideboard by Franz Ehrlich for Veb Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, 1964
Vintage Modernist Sideboard, 1970s
Sideboard Highboard No. 14 by Johannes Andersen for Uldum Møbelfabrik, Denmark, 1960s
Vintage Teak Sideboard from Idee Möbel, 1960s
Vintage Scandinavian Sideboard, 1960
Mid-Century Sideboard by Arthur Edwards for White & Newton, 1960s
Vintage Italian Torbecchia Sideboard by Giovanni Michelucci for Poltronova, 1960s
Mid-Century Teak Sideboard by John Herbert for A.Younger Ltd, 1960s
Softline Sideboard by Otto Zapf for Zapf Design, 1960s
Sideboard in Walnut Root, 1970s
Mid-Century Modern German Sideboard, 1960s
Vintage Brown Sideboard, 1950s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Sideboard in Teak, Denmark, 1960s
Vintage Sideboard in Teak from Heinrich Riestenpatt, 1960s
Danish Brutalist Light Oak Low Sideboard in the style of Henning Kjærnulf, 1970s
Small Teak Sideboard by HP Hansen, Denmark, 1960s
Vintage Scandinavian Sideboard, 1960s
Mid-Century Teak Sideboard from G-Plan, United Knigdom, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern German Sideboard, 1960s
Danish Sideboard in Teak by Børge Mogensen for Søborg Møbelfabrik, 1960s
Bronze and Leather Sideboard attributed to Guillerme and Chambron for Votre Maison, 1950s
Mid-Century Teak Sideboard from Franzmeyer Möbel, 1960s
Mid-Century Scandinavian Birch Inlaid Sideboard, 1950s
Mid-Century Modern Teak Sideboard from Franzmeyer Möbel, 1960s
Mid-Century Modern Wooden Sideboard, 1960s
Vintage Burl Walnut Sideboard, 1960s
Walnut Lowboard by Lothar Wegner, 1960s
Art Deco Italian Sideboard in Briar Root and Ebonized Beech, 1940s